The National Employment and Skills Strategy 2023–2030 aims to enhance skills development, ensure decent employment for all, and align the labor market with sustainable development goals. Key institutions involved include the National Agency for Employment and Skills (NAES), Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), and Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE). Stakeholders include employers, educational institutions, and international organizations like the EU and World Bank. This strategy targets the entire Albanian population, with a focus on youth, older persons, women, and vulnerable groups. It covers national and sectoral levels, impacting sectors like tourism, IT, energy, and agriculture. The strategy is divided in three different policy goals: (1) Skills Development, which focused on reducing skills mismatch, upskilling both men and women, and improving the overall functioning of the labor market; (2) Inclusive Employment, which aims to implement programs and services that support employment for all, ensuring decent work conditions and competitive salaries, and (3) Lifelong Training, with the objective of promoting continuous education and training opportunities to enhance employability and adaptability in the workforce. It aims to improve work quality, reduce informality, and increase productivity. Implementation involves monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and financial resources allocation. The strategy is set for 2023-2030.