This document, An Garda Síochána older persons Strategy, is developed by An Garda Síochána and has been developed to ensure the policing needs of older persons in Ireland are met to the highest standard possible. The Strategy for the Older Person was developed following extensive research and consultation with key internal and external stakeholders. The An Garda Síochána older persons Strategy has the following four key objectives: (1) to develop and maintain effective communication links between Gardaí and older persons; (2) to deliver a timely and effective proactive response by An Garda Síochána for older persons; (3) to increase trust and confidence by lessening the fear of crime amongst older persons; and (4) to determine and respond to the needs and expectations of older persons on an ongoing basis. Evaluation of this strategy will be carried out in collaboration with a range of other strategies and initiatives underway within the framework of the Diversity Strategy 2010–2013 and the National Model of Community Policing.
Abuse, violence, neglectAgeism