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Russian Federation
The purpose of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation" is to establish the legal, economic, and organizational foundations of state policy to promote employment. It aims to guarantee the constitutional rights of citizens to work and social protection against unemployment. The main institution involved is the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. Key stakeholders include federal and regional employment services, employers, trade unions, and job seekers. The law applies to all citizens of the Russian Federation, including foreign nationals and stateless persons residing in the country. It covers the entire country and all sectors of the economy, aiming to support both employed and unemployed individuals. Key features include the provision of employment services, vocational training, and retraining programmes. The law mandates the creation of job placement services, unemployment benefits, and measures to support vulnerable groups, including older persons. Specific interventions include job fairs, career counseling, and financial support for job seekers. The implementation involves coordination between federal and regional authorities to ensure effective delivery of services. The law was adopted on April 19, 1991, and has been amended several times to address changing economic conditions and labour market needs.