Strategy for Active and Healthy Aging in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2024–2030 with an Action Plan for 2024–2026
Strategija aktivnog i zdravog starenja u Republici Srbiji za period od 2024. do 2030. Godine sa Akcionim planom za 2024-2026. Godinu (“Sluzbeni glasnik RS”, br. 84/23 i 117/23)
The Strategy for Active and Healthy Ageing (2024–2030) aims to address the needs of older people by promoting positive attitudes towards them, enhancing their participation in society, and ensuring they receive appropriate support. It seeks to create a supportive environment and improve public perception of older people’s potential. The strategy involves multiple stakeholders, including older persons, their families, care providers, and the broader community. The strategy targets the entire population of older person in Serbia, focusing on improving their quality of life and social inclusion, particularly addressing issues like poverty and access to services. The strategy proposes several measures, including: Conducting outreach campaigns to change public perception and promote intergenerational solidarity. Ensuring accessible public transport and buildings, particularly in rural areas. Offering educational, cultural, and sports programs tailored to older persons. Establishing local community volunteering services. Providing training for healthcare workers, promoting palliative care, and improving healthcare facilities. Overall, the strategy aims to foster a more inclusive society where older persons can actively participate and are valued for their contributions. By focusing on these measures, it seeks to improve the well-being and quality of life for older individuals in Serbia.
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Active ageing
Active and healthy ageing