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Ageing Policies Database

National Week of Older Persons

Nacionalinė vyresnio amžiaus žmonių savaitė


The “National Week of Older Persons” was held in 2024 in Lithuania to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. Implemented at the national level, this initiative targets older persons and is organized with the aim to promote social activity among seniors and foster a positive image of ageing in society. Key measures include organizing over half a thousand various activities and events held for older persons in 45 Lithuanian municipalities during the week. During the week, older persons could visit museums, cinemas, and art galleries; have coffee or cake at cafes; exercise in sports clubs; take part in excursions to the country's archives; attend trainings and seminars organized by public health offices; receive special medical rehabilitation services tailored to them; and spend meaningful time at events planned by municipalities specifically for older persons. Such an initiative, which is becoming traditional, makes an important contribution to motivating older people, promoting their social activity and promoting a positive image of older people and ageing in society.

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Policy Themes
Policy Instruments
Government Levels
  • Campaign

  • Culture

  • Municipal

  • Social participation

Related SDGs
Goal 10 - Reduced InequalitiesGoal 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions