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Ageing Policies Database

National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing (2023-2030)

Politika Strateġika Nazzjonali għall-Anzjanità Attiva (2023 - 2030)


The objective of the National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing 2023-2030 of Malta is to mainstream ageing and to protect the human rights of older people by mitigating against age discrimination, elder abuse, social exclusion, and solitude, whilst also acting as a catalyst for excellent levels of acute, community and long-term care. While the Ministry for Active Ageing is the institution responsible for leading the implementation of the recommendations of the policy, different Ministries are to ensure the necessary funding and human resources for initiatives that fall under their respective responsibility are available. Furthermore, the policy includes as one key objective the formation of an Inter-Ministerial Committee, chaired by the Minister for Active Ageing, to coordinate the implementation of its recommendations. While some of the recommendations are aimed directly at older persons, in terms of scope, many call for action on the societal level. A key feature of the policy are its comprehensive list of planned measures and initiatives. In terms of timeline, the policy will be implemented in the years 2023-2030.

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Ministry of Active Ageing of Malta

Policy Themes
Policy Instruments
Government Levels
  • Well-being of older persons

  • Mainstreaming mechanisms

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