United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) LOGO

Ageing Policies Database

Extraordinary measure of support to the long-term unemployed


The Extraordinary extension of unemployment benefit and social benefit was a policy introduced in order to provide financial support to those affected by the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. It aimed to extend unemployment benefits and social security benefits to ensure subsistence minima for individuals who have lost their income due to the crisis. The policy was implemented by the Government of Portugal, with the legislative framework provided by Decree Law No. 10-F/2020. The main stakeholders were the unemployed individuals, social benefit recipients, and the social security system of Portugal. This policy was national in scope, applying across Portugal. It targeted unemployed individuals and recipients of social benefits, ensuring they continued to receive financial support during the pandemic period. The policy included the extraordinary extension of unemployment benefits and all benefits of the social security system that guarantee minimum subsistence levels. It also suspended the evaluation of conditions (means test) for maintaining these benefits. The observed impact included providing a safety net for those whose income was disrupted due to the pandemic. It helped in preventing social hardship during a time of crisis. The policy was temporary, with the timeframe set from 12 March 2020 to 31 December 2020.

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Policy Themes
Policy Instruments
Government Levels
  • Cash transfers

  • Social benefits

  • Unemployment

Related SDGs
Goal 1 - No PovertyGoal 10 - Reduced Inequalities