Strategy for the Demographic, Migration and Integration Policy for 2018–2030
Demografijos, migracijos ir integracijos politikos 2018–2030 metų strategija
The main goal of the Strategy for the Demographic, Migration and Integration Policy for 2018–2030 is to ensure a positive change in population numbers and a balanced age structure. Specific objectives include creating a family-friendly environment, managing migration flows to meet state needs, and integrating older individuals into society. The policy is coordinated by the Government of Lithuania. It involves families, migrants, older persons, and various societal and governmental stakeholders. The strategy covers demographic, migration, and integration policy from 2018 to 2030. It targets the Lithuanian population, focusing on families, migrants, and older persons, across the national territory. The policy includes improving services for families and children, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for men and women, financial incentives for child-rearing families, and enhancing health and social security. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining connections with the country and managing the diaspora effectively. The strategy will be implemented through various actions and measures designed to improve the demographic situation, including promoting family values, supporting return migration, and ensuring the well-being of older citizens. The strategy aims for long-term demographic stability and improved social and economic conditions by 2030.
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