United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) LOGO

Ageing Policies Database

National Project “We want to be active on the labour market (50+)”

Národný projekt "Chceme byť aktívni na trhu práce (50+)"


The "We Want to Be Active in the Labour Market (50+)" national project was implemented from December 2015 to December 2020 at the national level. It aims to improve employment prospects for disadvantaged job seekers aged 50 and above in Slovakia. The project was managed by the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family, along with 43 regional offices across Western, Central, and Eastern Slovakia. It specifically targeted older persons facing significant barriers to employment, including long-term unemployment, by offering financial incentives to employers to create and sustain job positions for this group. Under the Employment Services Act, employers received subsidies to hire individuals aged 50 and above for positions requiring at least half of the standard weekly working hours, with contracts lasting a minimum of 12 months. The subsidy covered a maximum period of 12 months, during which the employer was obligated to retain the subsidized job position. The project expected to create approximately 5,500 jobs for older persons, contributing to the reduction of regional labour market disparities and enhancing the employment and employability of this vulnerable demographic.

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Policy Themes
Policy Instruments
Government Levels
  • Employability

  • Extending working lives

Related SDGs
Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 10 - Reduced Inequalities