National Strategy for Lifelong Learning
The National Strategy for Lifelong Learning (2014-2020) of Bulgaria aims to respond to the challenges of social inclusion and economic growth, and to foster national and cultural identity. The strategy is cross-sectoral, and it is implemented by various stakeholders including learners, training providers, employers, trade organizations, labor unions, civil society organizations, regions, municipalities, local communities, and government bodies. The scope of the strategy encompasses all areas of learning and all individuals within the country engaged in formal, non-formal, or informal learning. It also addresses the issue of low participation in lifelong learning among people aged 25-64 and inter-regional migration. Key features of the strategy include a comprehensive list of planned measures and initiatives, and principles of quality, equality, diversity, decentralization, cooperation, measurability, and flexibility. The strategy also provides recommendations for future years. The strategy has been designed to contribute to the attainment of the European goal for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. It was adopted on January 10, 2014.
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Lifelong learning
Vocational education