Family Counseling II. – development of counseling and psychological services for individuals, couples and families
Rodinné poradne II. – rozvoj poskytovania poradensko-psychologických služieb pre jednotlivcov, páry a rodiny
The project, launched in 2024, contributes to a systemic solution in the field of mental health services, strengthening family relationships and intergenerational communication by creating a network of 46 family counselling centres in Slovakia. In the centres, free psychological counselling is provided to individuals, couples and families regardless of age. It is one of the specific tools to support the mental and social health of the Slovak population. The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic targets this measure to every individual, couple, and family that needs support and help in the face of situations and problems that cannot be solved without professional assistance. In the previous pilot project five centres were created in five cities in Slovakia. In 15 per cent of the cases the psychological help was provided to persons over the age of 55.
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