United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) LOGO

Ageing Policies Database

Programme for the Protection of Mental Health in the Republic of Serbia for the Period 2019–2026

Program o zastiti mentalnog zdravlja u Republici Srbiji za period 2019-2026. godine (“Sluzbeni glasnik RS”, broj 84/19)


The programme gives specific attention to older persons. It acknowledges that currently there is a lack of adequately educated personnel to address the mental health needs of older persons. To address this challenge, among other things, the programme sets out to create a network of centres for mental health where older persons with mental disorders are cared for and treated. It also aims to provide continuous education of experts and society as a whole regarding mental health of older persons to promote autonomy and participation of older persons. The programme also includes the objective to combat stigmas related to age and mental health through dedicated campaigns and public awareness-raising.

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Policy Themes
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Government Levels
  • Mental health

Related SDGs
Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-being